Whiskey Bottle- Tabletop Commercial Photography
Whiskey Bottle- Tabletop Commercial Photography

Tabletop Commercial Photography
Most people may not know this, but I spent most of my career photographing journalism and editorial-style images. However, my first college internship was with John Synder Photography, an amazing studio in Chicago, Illinois. We used Sinar 4x5 and 8x10 cameras, along with Balcar lighting. While the studio had a variety of clients, I mainly worked with Williams Video Games, which was fun because we photographed pinball machines and arcade video games.
Another notable project was for a folk art magazine called Plummer McCutcheon (or at least, I believe that was the name—it has been a while). During this time, I learned a lot about tabletop photography, though I wasn’t particularly interested in it at the time, so I eventually moved on.
I now have a few students in one of my college classes who are interested in tabletop photography, so I took this photo for them. The subtle color does not really pop like it does on a nice screen and higher bit depth.
If you are in the need of product photography, editorial or any type of commercial photography, John Whitehead Images can help. Use this link to contact me.